Monday, September 29, 2008

Where I Belong ...

When I go out
In a crowd of People -
They seem to be so full of Life,
But Lifeless
To me !

Like the plastic models
Doning dresses
In the windows of the shops -
These people
Who are so full
Of laughter, love, sorrows,
All seem so plastic
To me !

Simple sounds uttered from the mouth-
Can cause a tear
Or a warm laugh !

A simple action
May kill a person,
Or save one -

They all are so caged
By their Senses.
Their lives are led
Not by their Own,
But dragged by their instincts !

Emotions, Passions -
These are the products
Of our senses,
Mixed with a pinch of our wild Mind !

As Life goes on,
Our Mind changes,
Hence changes the Ingredient -
Causing a changing set
Of different emotions and passions
(Though those senses work in the same old fashioned way ! )

What We Are
Lives deep inside -
Not in the shallow depths
Where our instincts spoil the flavour.

What We Are
Lives deep inside -
Not where our life rushes forward
Giving not a moment
To introspect
And think over
Our actions.

What We Are
Lives deep inside -
Not where what we do
And what we think
Are mostly guided not by us,
But what we Should do
And what we Should think.

Gone are the days
When we can sit belong a tree
In its cool shadow
With the breeze playing with our hairs -
Not a sound
Other than those of the birds maybe -
Sitting quietly,
Eyes closed
Or open (it doesn't matter)
And treading
Deep Inside
Into What We Are.

But enough of this rubbish now -
Get up, Run
Else you would miss the Bus
Called Life.

But let me be,
Let me stay,
Utterly Alone,
Where I Belong -
In the Depths of Eternity.

Friday, April 11, 2008

The Little Birdy ... Part 1

There is a little Bird.

As free as rain,
As light as the air,
As gay as the leaves in the wind.

She started off with her mother,
Who'd teach her to fly
Away from her nest,
But again to return safe
At the end of the day...

She had a very few friends,
Some other little birdies,
Her neighbours.

They'd fly away
From a place to another :
Viewing the world from the top
But untouched herself...
Ah! She was so happy!

She grew up a little.
Now, she wanted a Shelter
With whom she could feel at home:
That'd be her friend, guide
And provide her with
Protection, Hope & Assurance
At the End of the Day.

The Silent Search was on...
But, as she was still
A Little Birdie,
Her little wings would ache
On going too far.

But one day,
While she was on
Her search trip...
A huge cloud
Came over the place.

Deafening thunders
Tearched through
The Black Sky.
She ran and ran
As fast she could
For a shade.

All the tress were swaying madly,
Almost about to break loose from the ground...
The branches were full of green leaves
Assuring a safe yet risky shelter.

Just then
She came across a tree
Or was it a tree at all?

It was as black as coal,
As lifeless as a graveyard,
As empty as a deserted house.

It was ugly,
Completely leafless
Stricken by lightenings
Hundreds of times.
But it was strong
And utterly alone.

The little birdy thought:
"What a similarity!
Both of us so alone...
Perhaps I could make a change..."

She went to that tree,
Clung hard to its lifeless branches
Fought the storm
All through the night.
They both got
Drenched in the rain,
Battered by the storm.

For the next few days,
The Little Birdy would come
And spend her time
With the tree :s o alone,
It'd sing in its branches,
Chirp at his ears...
Just her presence
Made it so full
Of Life !

But the selfish tree
Did not care to thank her
For being there with him
Throughout the night
Or even in the days
When the sun was scorching
Not only his dry skin,
But also the tender little birdy.

Who knows?
Maybe the Ungrateful Tree
Enjoyed her presence
And the great attention he got
From the little birdy.

But he never responded,
And chose to be aloof,
Lifeless, heartless.

But the birdy got attached to this tree.

Now as she grew up...
There came a lot of new friends:
Some naughty
Some daring
While some too irritating !

She learnt a lot of things...
Let's see what she does
With all her knowledge
And experiences...

(To be contd.)

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Lazy Mind: A Phantom's Tale

Life has stopped (for me).
Nothing to do;
Nothing to think;
Nothing even to Desire!

The passions have left me -
The emotions have failed me..
Not even the sentiments,
Neither the patience-
Once I was proud of.

I am hardly human.
Just like a ghost,
A lifeless phantom-
Hovering through
The mists of space and time,
Untouched by the world
That goes around me,
That tries to grasp me
In its claws
Of Pain
Of Joy
Of Attachments.

I dont even feel lonely!
In fact,
I dont even feel!

Only black smudges
Fills me with irritation
An unspeakable despair...

Whatever I try
To Touch
It vaporises
Between my fingers
Leaving nothing behind.

All seems false.
All seems fragile.
Only I remain.
Only I.

Like I've seen all these
For millions of years-
The world as it is
Going on and on and on...
Everything seems
So cliched
So predictable
That it takes away
The Joy of Living!

I see the Cycle of Life
From up above a plane.

I exist here (on this plane)
Without a Mind.

And where my mind exists,
I do not.

Dragging myself on and on,
In this miserable, unreal physical world-
I just pretend to exist.
Dont even feel the urge
To struggle
To fight for my intentions,
As I have none!
I feel so tired
So pointless to exist!

Like an afterlife
Extended to live here again
And again, and again
For generations
Like an Ancient Tree
That holds the wisdom of centuries
But remains inert itself
To the sensory Outerworld.

I dont have the Will,
To do something,
Even to communicate.
I just pretend to exist-
But I actually dont...
Coz I feel no life.

I feel lifeless-
Like a phantom
Stranded in between
Salvation & Existence.

All in a Lazy Mind.