Monday, September 29, 2008

Where I Belong ...

When I go out
In a crowd of People -
They seem to be so full of Life,
But Lifeless
To me !

Like the plastic models
Doning dresses
In the windows of the shops -
These people
Who are so full
Of laughter, love, sorrows,
All seem so plastic
To me !

Simple sounds uttered from the mouth-
Can cause a tear
Or a warm laugh !

A simple action
May kill a person,
Or save one -

They all are so caged
By their Senses.
Their lives are led
Not by their Own,
But dragged by their instincts !

Emotions, Passions -
These are the products
Of our senses,
Mixed with a pinch of our wild Mind !

As Life goes on,
Our Mind changes,
Hence changes the Ingredient -
Causing a changing set
Of different emotions and passions
(Though those senses work in the same old fashioned way ! )

What We Are
Lives deep inside -
Not in the shallow depths
Where our instincts spoil the flavour.

What We Are
Lives deep inside -
Not where our life rushes forward
Giving not a moment
To introspect
And think over
Our actions.

What We Are
Lives deep inside -
Not where what we do
And what we think
Are mostly guided not by us,
But what we Should do
And what we Should think.

Gone are the days
When we can sit belong a tree
In its cool shadow
With the breeze playing with our hairs -
Not a sound
Other than those of the birds maybe -
Sitting quietly,
Eyes closed
Or open (it doesn't matter)
And treading
Deep Inside
Into What We Are.

But enough of this rubbish now -
Get up, Run
Else you would miss the Bus
Called Life.

But let me be,
Let me stay,
Utterly Alone,
Where I Belong -
In the Depths of Eternity.


akaash said...

Life waits. For You. To Stop. And look at it. Feelings that have no expressions are not necessarily invalid. One can always decide to live life in his own terms! What really matters is how, or if, you make others see or understand your way of justifying, or looking at life. We all need an elixir. But the world that sits idle and only 'exists', being as cheap as an unearned compliment and as temporary as an unneeded offering, deserves no relief from this fermentation. It is out in the heaven of Your Own Creation that you find the flowers that blossom in Eden! What lies as your responsibility is to bring others out in the garden once you have got their scent; ..out off their webs of desperation, or feelings of false peace that they eventually end up convincing themselves with!

Rohit said...

Hi Vivek: This is not the right place to post my comments but your email address "" doesn't seem to be valid:.Here is the email I tried sending from

Subject: On you paper: Understanding dimensions.

Hi Vivek,

My name is Rohit and I'm a 25 year old software developer. I was doing some search about dimensionality on google and stumbled across your excellent paper "Understanding Dimensions". I am not a physicist though many topics in physics interest me.

No, I am not critiquing rather seeking some help if you may have time to respond.

In your paper, you have asked readers to think of a rectangle as many line 0 units apart (so they can envision 2-dimension) and then think of a cube as many squares 0 units apart placed at the center of a vertical axis (so they can envision 3-dimension).

In fact , I have always envisioned 2 and 3 dimensions this way until my 17 year old cousin questioned me that putting toegther a lot of circles(2-dimesion) together would give a cylinder (3-dimension), while I was wanting him to imagine a sphere here.

How do I explain to him (and now understand myself) that the analogy of putting together a shape from a 2 dimension would give me the corresponding shape in the 3rd dimension. It doesn't seem to be working for circles.

Hope you understand my question and would pardon my ignorance. I'll be gratful if you can respond and help.
