Saturday, May 15, 2010

In Search of The Divine : Isolation (Part 2)

If you take a lump of metal and perform numerous chemical reactions on it, the results would be similar to another metal that fits into the periodic table in a similar group. Only when you break down the lump to its atoms, that it shows the characteristics truly unique to that element.

The external manifestations of our daily activities reveal only a part of the mystery that lies deep inside, astounding and unimaginable.

Just like the lump, which we need to tear down to its atoms, to perform the analysis of the Self and reach the core of our Being, we need to shake off all the other super-incumbent forces, which tame our natural self in every way. Hence the need for Isolation.

Isolation does not mean to be lonely physically, and not even mentally! Isolation is the state in which you can differentiate the unique color of your paintbrush from the thousands of others’ in the canvas of your consciousness. By knowing your own color, your vision and judgment remains unblurred by the blotches of attachments, desires and emotions that cloud every sphere of your existence.

When in the calm of your mind, you blot the canvas with your inner wisdom, only your unique color remains.

All of a sudden a beautiful harmony and gorgeous pattern unveils itself amongst all the chaotic scribbles.

Now you are ready to decipher the code that would open the Pandora’s Box, lying Within!

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