Saturday, December 01, 2012

The Wandering Mind

The mind works in a funny way.
It can never accept what comes easy-
It always looks for a journey
And keeps its gears greasy.

Wandering from place to place,
The mind is like a vagabond-
It travels unattached and free-
Never can stay for too long.

T'is never satisfied with a simple answer.
It looks for a story, with twists and turns-
A simple answer is hard to take,
It always hopes for more and refuses to learn!

The fuel of the mind is Hope,
That is what gives it life.
Hope defines it, and Hope drives it-
While slowly thrusting in the knife. 

The mind is like a flowing river-
Past all obstacles.
It makes its path the way it wants
Ignoring all cautions.
It chokes like a canyon, cuts deep inside,
And it gathers, creating a lake-
But at the end, it never stays
Goes forward like a snake.

It hisses as it passes,
It leaves marks of joy & pain-
The mind never stops to take lessons
From what it has lost or gained.
The mind only hopes for a fresh start,
Everytime it moves on-
Shattering all logic and memories,
It hopes for a new dawn.

When life ends, the mind makes a stage
Where all the actors come on-
The end is all set for a flashback
To get applause and then again move on. 

The mind works in a funny way...

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