Sunday, January 15, 2006

Ouch !

Well I've been practising karate for over 7 years now. But I've never seen so much blood before this incident! Sanjit Sempai (black belt) were just playfully sparring but suddenly he landed a jodan mawashigeri (round-house face kick) at the tip of my nose. I became stunned for some seconds and then hot blood started to pour out from both of the nostrils ! there wasnt too much pain but but there was a lot of blood. The dojo(practice arena) soon started getting wet.

Sanjit was in a mess. He was very nervous as if our sensei (teacher) knew this, he'd certainly get a hard time. So he urged me not to let him know and hide my injury. So I rushed to the water tap near by and cleared up the mess in my face. I moreover made sure that my gi (karate dress) havent got too much blood stains in it. After I came back treating my nose with water, he apologised profusely. I consoled him "This always happens my friend!" Anyways, I managed to hide it completely. As always since I've got my brown belt, I'm the assisstent teacher at my dojo. And, that day also I took almost the whole class and also underwent the tough practice at the end without giving any hints of injury to the Sensei.

I concealed this fact so well from everybody around me that even now NONE of my family members know this !! It wasn't too hard to conceal it as there wasn't any considerable pain. Being a karate student I've sustained and concealed very serious injuries. The nose was a little swollen and no other external deformities could be seen. I deduced that only the soft cartilage was a little damaged, which is not at all something serious. Only at night some pain started followed by some fever and a terrible headache. So I took a good powerful dose of ARNICA 200 and went to sleep as early as 10:30pm. I had a cricket match next morning and had to recover as I've promised to play.

Woke up this morning and voila! everything was right, except that some pain still remains in the nose area. But unfortunately the match had been called off by our opponents for some unknown reasons!

@Hiya(my sis): If you're reading this, please dont leak the story.


Keshi said...

OUCHHHHHHHH! U ok now Vivek? Goshhhh I hate Karate lol!


Jim said...

dat pic is sick
remove it

u look like u r menstruating