Tuesday, July 05, 2005

The Conspiracy Theory : Man never landed on the Moon !

Man has started to think seriously about inter-planetary motion from as early as the nineteenth century, when the age of modern physics and technology was dreaming. In the twentieth century man made history when they landed on the moon. Neil Armstrong, the celebrated astronomer, was said to be the first human to disturb the soils of the barren moon, the centre of many myths and tales.

I had believed all these from my age immemorable. However, I got the shock of my life when I heard the following information. The world seemed to crumble down….

According to an American News and Information Channel, man had never landed on the moon, all the videos and pictures and everything is a complete hoax to fool the common people.

The United States at that time was having a cold war with Russia. All the astronomers were researching day and night to develop the correct machine that would take humans to moon. So, whoever wins the race would be in a politically better position. Hence the United States, after realizing that they’d never make it, played the most expensive shooting ever done by man.

But some of the researchers and scientists found these flaws :

1. In the video from the moon, the United States flag was seen to flutter. But that was quite impossible as there is no atmosphere in the moon and hence there comes no question of wind.
2. It was seen that NASA had failed miserable in all the tests done in the lunar rocket, as none of them could be controlled and all of them resulted in crashes. These happened just a few months back before the landing on the moon. In this very short span of time it was impossible to design a rocket that would be fully controlled.
3. While landing on the moon, the rocket had let out a gust of fuel comprising of burning light gases, generating tremendous heat and momentum. But there is no sign of a blast crater beneath the rocket in any of the pictures sent from the moon.
4. In a place called ‘Area 51’ in the United States, the physiography of the land resembled strikingly to lunar physiography and this was maintained in a very strict security. Any casual trespasser were killed without any warning and no media was allowed to obtain any information. However, the pictures sent from the moon resemble exactly like that of the satellite pictures of the craters and boulders in Area 51. The whole shooting is said to have done there.
5. According to space-scientists and biologists, the outfit worn by the astronomers was studied and was found to be highly insufficient to protect them from cosmic radiations. Moreover, at that point of time when astronomers were ‘in moon’ there was a very severe sun-storm, which should have been highly fatal to them, but they returned with not a single injury.
6. In a video, where the rocket is seen to take off from the moon, it was seen that it took off with the slightest jerk and sailed smoothly in space, but the same rocket was seen in the video a few months back as utterly unmanageable. Moreover, scientists say that there should have been quite some jerk while the taking off. It was as smooth as like somebody was lifting it with an invisible cable.
7. As there is no atmosphere in the moon, billions of stars should have been seen twinkling in the sky, but almost no stars were seen in any of the pictures.
8. The live video from the moon was very blurry and the figures seemed very ghostly. Critics say that this was done intentionally to let go thousands of other small mistakes in the ‘shooting’.
9. In a two different pictures shot at two different places on the moon about 2 miles apart, when superimposed one on the other, it was seen that they were shot at exactly the same place, as all the crater, boulders and the tiniest bit of rocks had matched with utmost clarity. Others than the human figures, every lunar physiography had matched exactly, which is next to impossible for two different places. It seems like they went out of shooting place and should have needed a larger studio.

These points indicate that Man never landed on the moon; it was the greatest hoax of the century.

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